Submissions are closed!

Thank you to everyone who joined, details regarding the first round tomorrow will be announced shortly.









How does it work?

We will be hosting the contest on our Instagram page, which will use a 1v1 format with a bracket system. Contestants will have their photos posted as stories, and people can vote for their favorite by using a poll.

Contestants with the most votes in each round will advance to the next one.

Pro tip: You can share the stories to get more votes from your own followers!

Starting from April 7th, the brackets for the contest will be posted on our Instagram page and website.

Each round will last for 24 hours, and the results will be announced at the end of each round on both our website and Instagram.

Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places!

The contest is 100% free to enter! Simply upload your image using the form above and have fun seeing how it holds up against other nature photographers' images!

Have any questions about the contest? Leave us a message, we respond within 24h!

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